

Swastha Sathi Logo

Address :

Health & Swasthyasathi Section, O/O the District Magistrate, Sagar Dighi Campus, Cooch Behar

E-mail : rsbycbr[at]gmail[dot]com

Office Phone Number :


District Health Section at DM’s Office & Swasthyasathi

This section works with Public Health and related infrastructural and other health related issues in conjuncture with CMOH office. Swasthyasathi – a Govt. of WB initiative is administered and controlled for the district from this section.

Activities/ Services provided by the department

  • Providing Smart Cards to the Beneficiaries (Distribution of Form-B through block/municipality, Collection and digitization of Form-B for new beneficiaries, Arrangement of Enrolment camps at Block/GP level etc. to handover Swasthyasathi Smart Card to the beneficiaries); as per the guidance under State Authority
  • Grievance handling for various health/ hospital related issues
  • Hospital empanelment (Pvt. Nursing Home) and Monitoring the smooth running of the scheme.
  • Providing solutions to various technical issues (Card reading error, authentication failure, Data lapse etc (from beneficiaries) and various other blocking and Claim related issues (from Govt. and Pvt. Nursing Homes)
List Schemes/ Services offered by the department :
Sl No. Name of Scheme/ Service Benefits under the scheme Filled Sample form How to apply (website to apply)
1.  Swasthyasathi Up to Rs. 5L Cashless treatment in any empaneled Govt. and Pvt. Nursing Homes Swasthya Sathi Form (24.4 KB)

Download Form-B from the given link or in case of medical emergency contact at the nearest Block/Sub-division/Municipality office.

Awards :

Department Website :


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